public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from bhartzer with tag "search engine optimization"

November 2008

Search Engine Optimization Tip:Link Building Using Coupons

This search engine optimization tip is pretty simple: if you sell something on your site you should offer a coupon.

Search Engine Optimization Tip 21: Redirecting Traffic

Understand the differences between the different types of redirects and directing traffic to your site.

Google Awarded Patent for Personalization of Search Results

Google has been awarded a patent for language personalization of the search results. This means that Google can serve up search results based on your preferred language.

October 2008

Search Engine Optimization Tip 20: Check Whois on Domain

Search engine optimization tip 20 is about checking the whois on your domain name. Do you own your domain?

Search Engine Optimization Tip 19: Move JavaScript to Extern

This is search engine optimization tip number nineteen. this search engine optimization tip is short: it is about what I would call code bloat. You do not want to have fat web pages that are full of code. For SEO purposes, we want thin web pages: pages that are light on code.

Search Engine Optimization Tip 18: Linking within Sentences

For search engine optimization tip number eighteen, let us talk about linking. Links in a sentence count more.

Search Engine Optimization Tip 17: Review Your Links

For search engine optimization tip number seventeen, let us talk about the links to your site and the overall reputation that you have already built up.

Search Engine Optimization Tip 17: Review Your Links

For search engine optimization tip number seventeen, let us talk about the current links to your site and the overall reputation that you have already built up.

August 2008

Search Engine Optimization Tip #16: Add a Breadcrumb Trail

For search engine optimization tip number sixteen, let us talk about adding a breadcrumb trail to your web site navigation. Adding one will help you get better search engine rankings.

Search Engine Optimization Tip #15: Adding Content

You would think that when planning a new web site you can sit down, make a list of web pages, create the content, and forget about it. That is simply not the case.

Search Engine Optimization Tip #14: Fix Duplicate Content

For this seo tip, let us talk about fixing duplicate content on your web site. Google does not like duplicate content, and it can hurt your rankings.

Search Engine Optimization Tip #13: Remove Unused Meta Tags

It is recommended that you remove meta tags from your web pages that are not recognized by the search engines, not officially recognized, or are just not needed anymore.

Search Engine Optimization Tip #12: Text Surrounding Links

For search engine optimization tip number twelve, let us talk a bit about the text surrounding your anchor text links.

Search Engine Optimization Tip #11: Using Keywords in your Heading Tags

For search engine optimization tip number eleven, let us take a look at the headings you use on your page and the keyword usage in your heading tags.

Search Engine Optimization Tip #10: Check Your External Links

In this search engine optimization tip, I would like to talk more in general about the web sites that you are linking to. When was the last time you checked the outgoing links on your web site?

Search Engine Optimization TipSearch Engine Optimization Tip #9: Linking Out to Other Web Sites

Would you believe it if I told you that your web site would rank better in the search engines if you link out to other web sites? Yes, it is true.

Search Engine Optimization Tip #8: Keywords in Alt Tags

For this eighth search engine optimization tip, let us review your image alt tags and putting keywords in your Alt Tags.

Search Engine Optimization Tip #7: Anchor Text of Internal Links

For search engine optimization tip number seven, I thought I would take a look at the anchor text of your internal links.

Search Engine Optimization Tip #6: Keywords in your URLs

For this sixth search engine optimization tip, I thought I would talk about your keywords in your URLs.

July 2008

Search Engine Optimization Tip #5: Linking to your Home Page

For this fifth search engine optimization tip, I thought I would talk about linking to your home page.

Search Engine Optimization Tip #4: The Meta Keywords tag

For this fourth search engine optimization tip, I thought I would talk about the meta keywords tag.

Search Engine Optimization Tip #3: Keywords on Your Web Page

For this third search engine optimization tip, I thought I would talk about your keywords on your web page. That's right, it all about your keywords.

Search Engine Optimization Tip #1: Your Web Page s Title Tag

For this first search engine optimization tip, I thought I would talk about the web page title tag. Let us focus right now on the title tag alone, not on a specific title tag on a specific web page of your site.

March 2008

Vizion Interactive Adds Search Engine Marketing and Social Media Expert Bill Hartzer to Team

Vizion Interactive, a leading Interactive marketing firm based in Irving, Texas, has added online marketing expert Bill Hartzer to its team.